Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

August 15, 2008

Drawing Away Their Hearts

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 7:46 pm

A reader, commenting on yesterday’s “Quote of the Day” from D.L. Moody, quotes John Calvin in taking me to task for my previous questions to his pastor:

“. . . And this is the craftiness of Satan, to draw away the hearts of men from ministers, that instruction may gradually fall into contempt. Thus not only is wrong done to innocent persons, in having their reputation unjustly wounded, (which is exceedingly base in regard to those who hold so honourable a rank,) but the authority of the sacred doctrine of God is diminished…Not only so, but as soon as any charge against ministers of the word has gone abroad, it is believed as fully as if they were already convicted.”

Clearly I’ve struck a nerve here. A couple of points, though, need to be made.

First, Doug Wilson has a reputation already, and to people appalled by his words, it’s not an honorable one. It’s formed in the minds of those who are exposed to his works, and it’s one he not only feeds, but feeds publicly. I asked my question of a pastor with deplorable and reckless views on slavery, an admiration for one of the most racist theologians in Christian history, an affinity for the racist, slaveholding Confederacy, and a cheerful embrace of intolerance. His self-made reputation doesn’t allow for the presumption of racial egalitarianism. I’m glad he’s not in sin on this particular subject, and I’m glad I was pleasantly surprised — or, more bluntly, wrong in my assumption. But it’s a valid question, and he himself made the answer uncertain — so I asked. If his reputation is “wounded,” it’s not MY words that are at fault.

Second, the “sacred doctrine of God” has been diminished by his work, not my questions. I believe that much of what he teaches is not only a detriment to the Gospel, but a perversion of it.

Third, only the Holy Spirit can “draw men away” from their ministers, and I hope that He does draw Wilson’s followers not just away from Wilson, but toward a more Biblically faithful, Christ-conformed expression of Christian teaching and character. That is, unless Wilson repents and a fresh, powerful move of the Spirit dismantles all that he’s built and replaces it with temples of truth, justice, and love. No one would rejoice more passionately than I would if that were to happen, and if the Lord uses some of my words help accomplish this, then all glory to Him. But leaving behind Christ Church means nothing unless a different, better way is embraced, and while I have to, on occasion, refer to Wilson’s teachings, my intent is to use them, and him, as a springboard for a more faithful approach to Christ and faith in Him. Wilson isn’t the point of this blog; Christ is.

I’ve said before that I’m not a two-, three-, four-point or any kind of Calvinist, but I don’t disregard all of Calvin’s teachings. But I feel confident that this is a pastor Calvin would deeply desire his followers to depart from, and my intent in this blog is to lay the “straight stick” next to practices, doctrines, and conduct that I find crooked. Wilson is responsible for his reputation; I’m responsible for mine, and if I give reason for people to think badly of me, then questions regarding my character are fair game.

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