Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

September 3, 2008

"A Curse On You"

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 6:37 pm

I write this with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart.

I have received a curse, at the end of a long, angry diatribe, from a reader whose initials are “D.A.D,” and who I believe to be an offline correspondent who attends Christ Church. My correspondent’s initials are similar and I know “D.A.D.” isn’t my own loving father.

I am so sad about this, and I want D.A.D. to know that I forgive him. But I also think this needs to be brought further into the open, not just because it came up on my public “comments” site, but, more important, because it highlights the fruit of unloving, undiscerning, unwise pastoring by a man who freely defends the value of imprecatory prayers and acknowledges having used them in his worship services. I have spent five or so years writing on Vision 2020 about my faith in Christ Jesus, more than a quarter century living it, and I have a lifetime of growth in the Lord ahead of me. It’s that faith that I turn to now. I’m not rattled, I’m not scared, and I’m not dissuaded in my vow to proclaim truth. But I am deeply saddened at the hard heart evinced by this man, and I pray God’s mercy on his soul.

Blogger D.A.D said…

I have to say that I thought you were grown up enough to follow your own advice and stop posting about all things Wilson and Christ Church.

You have never talked about your own Church and what is good about it. You have never here talked about the Lord Jesus Christ and what he has done for you and your family. You have never talked about your husband’s walk with Christ or any mission trips that your sons may have gone on to further the work of the Gospel. Why is this?

I feel a need to speak to you directly. I thought the little snippets that I use might cause you to reflect on the path that you have taken. I thought that you would stop speaking put-downs about a brother in the Lord, but you must have a deeper agenda.

You are so obsessed with your own “Keely-Centric” view point that you refuse to just leave it alone and talk about the Jesus of the Bible. You have to make everything in your twisted little world revolve around what YOU think about Doug Wilson and Christ Church. Have you nothing better to do with your time and energy? You wrangle about words and you preach nothing but phlegm and bile. I feel sorry for you, your family and your faith.

I will no longer pause here to read what you continue to spew. The cest (sic)-pool you dwell in is little more that the dung heap of Gehenna. You cheer when a Godly one stumbles and you lift up on high and praise those that see nothing wrong with destroying human life. You call good evil and evil good. Those you offer support believe that human life can be aborted. And that life younger than 24 weeks is not a human person and doesn’t have a human soul. Shame on you and a curse be upon you, your family, your house hold and all that you put your hand to.


  1. I realize what I said was said in frustration and anger and not in Faith. Because it was not done in Faith it was sin. I should have stopped myself before my last paragraph. I probable should have not interacted at all.

    I should not have spoken evil to a sister in the Lord. I should have followed the direction of our Lord and contacted you privately.

    I was wrong and I need to ask you publicly for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for my sinful comments.

    Sincerely, Doug Farris

    Comment by Dad — September 4, 2008 @ 4:39 pm

  2. I do forgive you, Doug, and I wish only the best for you. I accept your apology and hope to interact with you further. May you have peace.

    Comment by Keely Emerine Mix — September 4, 2008 @ 9:56 pm

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