Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

September 19, 2008

Why Does He, and Why Do We?

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 3:58 pm

Summing up my discussion of judgment, consequence, and the Bush administration’s wreaking of havoc on the country, I’d like to add this . . .

Like everyone else in the world, I, too, have wondered why God allows war to slay innocent victims and brave, God-loving soldiers. I’ve agonized over why the poor suffer and I’ve wept when it seems He hasn’t heard their cries. I won’t have all of the answers to these questions in this lifetime, and neither will you. But there is a question that must be asked first, and, in its asking, helps me understand just a bit more of the “why does God permit harm?” ones:

Why do WE, the church, allow war to slay innocent victims and brave, God-loving soldiers? Why do WE disregard the suffering of the poor, refusing to hear their cries?

Where are WE, the very hands and heart of the Lord Jesus, when injustice rules and violence triumphs?

That’s a question that each one of us individually must ask — before we ever wonder where God is in turmoil and hopelessness.

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