Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin Resigns As Alaska Governor, Edited

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 8:15 pm

Sarah Palin, quite possibly the dumbest person ever to be elected to a governorship, even if she is a Christian, announced today that she’ll step down so that she can devote herself to effecting change (and affecting issues) from the “outside.”

This is on the heels of an unflattering Vanity Fair article and the leaking of emails in which she lies about husband Todd’s involvement in an Alaska secessionist movement — a group that wants Alaska to declare itself NOT part of the United States, the United States that Palin presumably wants to preside over by laying the groundwork for a 2012 challenge to Barack Obama. It’s more than a little scary, although perhaps not upsetting to my secessionist neo-Confederate readers, that her husband is one of those who calls for the State of Alaska — the one governed by his wife — to forsake its allegiance to the United States. It’s astonishing, and astonishingly bad, that she lies about it, suggesting that her First Dude simply checked the “Independent” party box on his registration without knowing about the AIP. His seven-year involvement with a group whose charter dedicates itself to secessionism is fact. Her denial is a lie.

Todd Palin’s fascination with secessionism is disturbing. Sarah Palin’s meteoric rise to fame is disturbing. She’s a dim bulb who’s simply more attractive and more colorful, sartorially and rhetorically, than other ignorant politicos. But the fact that right-wing Christian America has embraced her as an icon, a bridge over troubled liberal waters and a lighthouse that lures The People to the GOP’s rocky, polluted shores, is far more disturbing. Faith in Christ as Savior doesn’t cause stupidity, and it shouldn’t excuse it, either. Verbal confetti — colorful, light and carried off by the wind — indicating faith in Christ as Savior ought never to result in a free pass when entering the world of politics. Such public faith holds the believer to a higher standard of truth, intellect, and reason. We don’t excuse bad judgment, incompetence, willful ignorance and dishonesty because they’re “in the fold.” On the contrary, that’s why I expose it.

That Sarah Palin is mentioned today as anything other than an embarassing, sorry blip on the conservative’s historical radar is evidence of a Church drowning for lack of discernment, flaying frantically about for any means of rescue — as long as it has a fish symbol slapped on it.

Lord, have mercy.


  1. Excellent article, Keely . . . as for usual.

    It has been suggested that Sarah Palin is stepping down as governor in order to focus on the presidency in 2012 with such potential running mates as Mitt Romney, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, and (my personal favorite) Newt Gingrich.

    Who knows? We haven’t had a Dick in the White House since 1974. Maybe Cheney will consider running as Palin’s shadow (such as he did under King George the 43rd). But this will require a heavy concentration of national paranoia.

    Who knows? Maybe, by then, McCain will tell us how to capture Bin Laden as he promised.

    Great article, Keely!

    Keep it up.

    Comment by Tom Hansen — July 4, 2009 @ 1:25 pm

  2. Thanks, Tom. I get a lot of criticism for “attacking” Palin, but she didn’t ascend to the height of GOP politics by chance, lottery, or cosmic happenstance. When someone seeks the spotlight, and does so as greedily as the Palins, it’s fair to comment on their foibles. My posts on Palin reflect my sincere commitment to confine my “serrated edge,” when employed, only to those within the Christian camp — never outside of it. I’m sure Sarah will survive my criticisms, but I’m not sure the GOP will survive Sarah.

    Comment by Keely Emerine Mix — July 4, 2009 @ 4:31 pm

  3. Lord Have Mercy is right!!

    Comment by Angela — July 6, 2009 @ 10:55 pm

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