Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

August 16, 2009

The LORD Requires Something. This Isn’t It.

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 4:59 pm

Dear God, when will Moscow’s Kirkers and their brethren across the country crack open their hardened hearts and come to their Spirit-led senses?

There was a day when pastors didn’t encourage gossip, didn’t stir the pot with malice aforethought, didn’t throw out dark hints and sinister thoughts about other people — even, and now especially, the President — and didn’t join in the swelling hatred that could cost that President his life. For most of us, the sun never goes down on that day; the Word of God prohibits malice and slander with no expiration date, no exception allowed for the imprecatorily minded.

I stand, perhaps alone, in full confidence that God condemns the following Doug Wilson blog comments regarding Barack Obama’s “failure” to release a long-form birth certificate neither he nor any other American owns, speculating that since doing so would be of benefit, there must be some other reason . . .

Mr. Wilson, you may continue your behavior. You may not do so without at least someone shouting out that you’ve sinned, and pleading with you to repent if not for your own sake, then for the sake of the sheep who call you Pastor.

From Blog and Mablog, August 15, 2009: “Since that would be the result, much to be desired from Obama’s vantage, what is keeping that long form in the basement vault? Well, think about it. Birth certificates have other stuff on them.

What good would it do for Obama to settle the birther issue, only to have a newer, fresher controversy leap up in its place? If that certificate would have had the effect of shutting the birthers up, and only that effect, then it would have been done a long time ago. So what sorts of things might fall in this category — embarrassing enough to make the president want to keep it secret, even though that means he must continue to slog through the birther charges?”

He has told you, o man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you — but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Seek peace and pursue it, and please, for the sake of the Gospel, examine yourself. Nothing “morbid” need be in your introspection; your sin is ever at the surface.


  1. THIS you had a problem with? Douglas Wilson having speculative fun on his blog?

    Why do you hate him so much? It would be wise to stop commenting negatively on him for a month or so and maybe even start attending his church.

    This level of animosity is a sign of nothing good.

    Comment by Ashwin — August 18, 2009 @ 5:38 pm

  2. If you’ve been following national politics, Ashwin, and if you’re familiar with Scripture, you’d know that his “speculative” fun may be, indeed, speculative — but it isn’t fun. It contributes to a hatred of Obama, based on race more than on policy, that is smearing the Church and could well end up provoking some wingnut to harm him. Wilson should be ashamed, and if you don’t see the significance of his hate- and fear-mongering, you should be as well.

    Comment by Keely Emerine Mix — August 18, 2009 @ 11:25 pm

  3. Given the other presidents targeted for assasination in recent history (Kennedy, Reagan and even Clinton), the hatred for Obama is probably more due to his good looks and wholesome family than his race.

    There is something about successful people that drives a certain type of frustrated individual mad. And glory hogs will always seek the attention that comes from spectacular action.

    Nothing Douglas Wilson says or does will change that.

    And to say the his church breeds such wingnuts is uncharitable at best. Douglas Wilson does not seem the type to goad impressionable youngsters to rash action. He seems more cerebral to me.

    Comment by Ashwin — August 19, 2009 @ 12:20 am

  4. Doug Wilson would like you to believe he’s “more cerebral,” too erudite, to “goad impressionable young people” into “rash” acts. But they needn’t be young to try to please him with foolish instances of “skylarking,” and while that’s a long way from violence, he is nonetheless stirring a pot that is unseemly and unGodly. Of course it wouldn’t be a kid from the Kirk, but plenty of other “Christians” are capable of using the malicious, suspicious, speculative torrent of hate to do harm to the President, and to contribute to that is utterly, undeniably, as stupid as it is sinful. And if you believe that Obama is targeted because of his “good looks” and “wholesome family,” Ashwin, then you have much to learn about U.S. history, current events, and the sad, sorry, state of affairs this nation will find itself in if it doesn’t change course quickly.
    I do wish you well and appreciate your comments,

    Comment by Keely Emerine Mix — August 19, 2009 @ 6:14 am

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