Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

August 14, 2011

Cathy’s Challenge To Me

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 5:45 pm

From reader Cathy, referenced in my previous post, from August 6, in its entirety. Yes, I’ve been taken to the woodshed, and I appreciate her guts in doing so with the integrity of using a real name:

I stumbled on your blog this morning, and after reading some of your posts, decided to write. I am not a member of the Tea Party, and have never attended anything political, Tea Party, or otherwise. I disagree, though, with much of this post.

In point #1, if I was a Martian reading your description of those who “stupidly voted” Tea Party candidates into office, I might deduce that they’re hillbillies, toothless hicks. Why…because they don’t subscribe to your idea of smart? Are you the arbiter of all things “stupid?” What I know of the Tea Party is that they object to big gov’t. What is wrong with that? The idea that the Tea Party is a Christian organization is nonsense. Political parties are not a vehicle for the Gospel of Christ. They don’t teach the Gospel, or promote the salvation of souls.

Further, if you insist that the Tea Party should be called out for their “ignorance and duplicity,” then, please, explain how the Democratic or the Republican parties shouldn’t be called out for the same? You have arbitrarily assigned your own set of values and applied them. You are certainly free to have opinions, but you go beyond those opinions and make them judgments, applying your own interpretation of Scripture. There is nothing biblical about political parties, and believers aren’t called to invest time in them. I would certainly draw the line @ issues like abortion which is contrary to Scriptural teaching. I’ve not read your blog enough to know your take on abortion. What is it, BTW? You also write …”Washington — government — has great power to aid the people and to strengthen the society around them…” HOW does Washington have that power and those resources? The gov’t doesn’t generate any income. Their only way or producing “income” is through our tax dollars. Why do you advocate a dependency on gov’t to “aid the people and to strengthen the society around them?” What is the role of gov’t?

As to point #5, why aren’t you calling out President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel for “co-opting Jesus Christ?” How ’bout when the president talks about having “a righteous wind at our backs?” Whose righteousness? How ’bout when he refers to “the least of these,” a clear reference to Scripture, out of context. The biblical context is that Jesus uses that phrase to refer to What about President Obama’s speech about Gabrielle Giffords, where he inserts Psalm 46. What does the context of Psalm 46 have to do with the shooting in AZ? What about calling out Pelosi for invoking Scripture to further her agenda? She actually invoked “The Word,” as answer to why she crafts policies–“…in keeping with the values of Jesus Christ, The Word made Flesh.” So, voting to ban the partial-birth abortion ban is a Scriptural mandate? Would Jesus have voted for the debt ceiling, as Charlie Rangel implied? I submit that Jesus came to die a cruel death on a cross so that men and women might know Him. I don’t know for certain, but I don’t think that Jesus would have been involved in a vote to either raise, lower or leave the debt ceiling.

Point #7—I believe that your “strongholds thing” use is to misuse II Corinthians 10:4 it in light of the context.

Finally, I voted for Bush twice. He was a disaster. I like him personally (as much as you can know someone personally with/out knowing him personally!)…I like his appreciation for the troops, and his involvement with/the Wounded Warriors, but think that he handled a lot of foreign policy horribly, the monetary system horribly, etc. Yet, you, on the other hand, see President Obama as a success, so much so that you’re “unabashedly praying for an Obama victory in 2012.” I would love to hear your reasoning for your fervor. HOW has he been successful? And, please, no platitudes, or straw men.

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