Insofar as I live in a patriarchal world, one of whose most significant religious sectors is right here in Moscow, Idaho, I want to say a word about my beloved friend, sister, and collaborator Lupita Rocha Q, whose birthday was a few days ago.
She is the former director of a Mexican Bible College, currently pastors a church in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and brings food, toiletries, Bibles, and the Gospel into what Mexico quaintly calls “rehabilitation centers,” jails and prisons that often hold 14-year-old boys with vicious cartel mules and horrific murderers and rapists. She is a single woman, exactly my age, and she’s given her life in service to the Lord Jesus and to people around her. She was born into poverty and could’ve, with her fierce intelligence and unquenchable drive, been able, perhaps, to have climbed out of it — but she’s chosen to work among, and to be part of, the poorest and most victimized people in Mexico. I’ve eaten in her childhood home, I’ve preached in churches with her, and I’ve seen her exhaust herself in the effort to demonstrate to people the justice and righteousness of Jesus’ Gospel. We’ve been dear friends for 15 years; because Juarez is so dangerous for women, I know that every time I see her may well be the last time I see her. I can never make peace with that.
She means the world to me. And if you ever ask me how I know God is good, I’ll tell you that it’s because God brought this woman into my life. And I’m extraordinarily grateful that, contrary to Nancy Wilson’s advice, she’s not only NOT waiting for God to bring the man she’s to marry into her life, but also that she’s spending her life by doing something other than what Nancy and the Femina Blog girls would do — collecting table linens.
No, this — evangelizing, teaching, doing works of ministry and mercy, studying the Word — is what God calls unmarried women to do. Only bloated, self-protecting, self-important bullies and their wives would have her lay aside her ministry so that she can be primped and polished for the man certain to stumble into her life. That would appear to me to be heeding the call of men, not of the Son of Man.
Te quiero, hermana, y que sepas que estas siempre en mi corazon.