Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

October 25, 2008

Never Thought It Would Come To This

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 4:35 pm

I don’t know when I’ve been this angry in a long time.

Blog and Mablog, the repository of some of the daily ugliness by Doug Wilson, has scanned copies of “birth certificates from Hawaii from around the same time” (as Obama’s birth in 1961), showing the one the campaign has on “” and a “real original.” Yes, the two are unbelievably different — the second one (actually from 1963) is an obvious “circa 1963” image, and the first one, the one Obama shows to the world to justify what he should never have to justify, is . . .

. . . an obvious, computer-generated, State-issued certified copy, the kind that you and I get when we want to get a passport, or when the microfiche we got in the late 70s is no longer legible.

It’s a certified copy, Doug. Obama isn’t representing the certified copy, legal evidence of legal live birth from the state issuing it, Doug, as the genuine, creased, folded, stuffed-back-in-the-files one. No, Doug, he knows that the original is, like millions and millions of other State-issued original birth certificates, still at the State’s record offices, if it hasn’t been converted to the aforementioned microfiche due to the disintegration that happens to paper over time. Just like mine, just like my son’s, just like my neighbor’s, just like Bill Sali’s. THE STATE ISSUES ITS OWN CERTIFIED, RAISED-SEAL, COMPUTER-GENERATED, ABSOLUTELY LEGAL IN ANY COURT, COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATES, DOUG, FOR EVERYONE. NO ONE GETS THEIR ACTUAL VAULT COPY. So, Doug, you haven’t proved anything. Other than this:

A man who is unable to grasp the difference between an image of a recently-issued CERTIFIED COPY BY THE STATE and an image of an original 1963 birth certificate issued by the State, and who trumpets the difference as evidence of some nefarious deed, isn’t qualified to pronounce judgment on more than his Cocker Spaniel.

And a Pastor –a Pastor, Doug, a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ — who is unable to grasp the concept of bearing false witness and inciting hate, and who would do so as gleefully and wittily as you, isn’t qualified to preach the Gospel to that same Cocker Spaniel.

God have mercy.


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