Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

October 24, 2011

Aaaacccckkkkk! So Many Typos …

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 4:08 am

I make a habit to re-read the previous post before I write a new one, and because I haven’t been feeling well at all for the last week, it seemed wise to go back and review the last few.

My goodness. I must have been sick a bit earlier and a touch worse than I realized.

I’ve gone back and corrected some errors in spelling, some stray commas, and other imperfections that escaped initial notice, and I beg your understanding. I think the degree of sinus pressure and the aches/chills/fever I was experiencing torqued my eyesight and made me lightheaded, and as I get my strength back, I hope also to reacquaint myself with the standards of common grammar, style, usage, and punctuation I’ve loved lo these many years. Because if I were a student of mine, the red pencil would’ve been worn to a nub from tonight’s corrective efforts of last week’s work.

Yikes. But I suppose anything that humbles, as long as it doesn’t come from sin, works good in our souls. I just grew up believing that typos and such WERE sinful, so perhaps I ought to receive humility from other, more usual, places . . . like when a visitor to our church cringes when I sing in worship. That, I’m comfortable with . . .

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