Prevailing Winds "For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom . . ." 2 Cor. 3:17, TNIV

January 9, 2012

The Bible As A Vessel For Football Evangelism

Filed under: Uncategorized — keelyem @ 5:34 pm

Tim Tebow, the dashing young Christian quarterback of the Denver Broncos whose kneeling-after-a-point praise has frankly been made too much of by believers and by the outside the fold, threw for 316 yards in yesterday’s game.

It has nothing to do with John 3:16. But aren’t you horrified that some people think it does?

If you’re not a believer, you might switch “gobsmacked” or “politely amused” for “horrified,” but if you revere Scripture, you oughta stay with it. With “horrified,” that is.

That the Church has degenerated to the point that some believers — Google “Tebow’s 316” for yourself — have erupted in wonder that HE CAN EVEN THROW TO THE SCRIPTURES! is sadly predictable. TV Praise Show-culture and sports adulation has combined here to make dumb people even dumber and dumb Christian people even crazier, less discerning, and more gullible and ripe for deceit.

It’s of no particular importance, just cause for great embarrassment, that pop Christiandom flocks to signs, wonders, and prophets from the gridiron but can’t figure out that the President is an American citizen — unless, of course, you believe the Church should bear a witness of truth and power to a lost and dying world.

In that case, it’s pretty effing disturbing, as is the fact that some of you will be more concerned that I hinted at the “F-word” than you are that such a huge swell of Christiandom would countenance the idea that any particular football statistic can be appropriated for use in Bible study.

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